Solid Angle has done a brilliant job with Arnold and it really is integrated very well, both under the hood and in the user facing elements. Any company developing a plug-in have to strike the balance between providing the tools they are creating in a way that works best, while being intuitive to the host software's users. Product: Arnold render for Cinema 4D Company: Solid Angle Website: The popular render engine has finally reached the growing CINEMA 4D user base and does so with style, stability and a blisteringly fast interactive preview. Free trials are also available for download.Creative director and industry veteran Rob Redman takes a closer look at Solid Angle's Arnold for CINEMA 4D. Individual node-locked licenses can be purchased from Solid Angle's new web shop. Special thanks go to Daniel Hennies who brought this project into being”.Ĭ4DtoA 1.0 was demoed to a cheering audience at FMX 2015 by Aixsponza's Manuel Casasola Merkle. View the FMX presentation here. Customer demand has been enormous and I am very excited about Solid Angle’s outstanding development work. Oliver Meiseberg, Director Product and Partnership Management at MAXON, states: “With Arnold, Cinema 4D users get an extremely powerful and easy to use renderer. “We are excited to see Arnold finally available to all Cinema 4D artists,” said Solid Angle founder and CEO Marcos Fajardo. “It was great working with MAXON’s engineers as we pushed the APIs to make C4DtoA as fast and interactive as possible.” Third-party plug-ins TurbulenceFD and X-Particles are natively supported, allowing artists to render high quality smoke, fire, and particle effects with fully interactive feedback.

Another unique feature in C4DtoA is a node-based material editor for assembling arbitrarily complex shader networks, following Arnold's node-based approach. C4DtoA supports most Cinema 4D features such as instances, cloners, deformers, generators, MoGraph geometry, hair, and Thinking Particles.Ĭ4DtoA 1.0 implements the most fluid Arnold IPR experience yet. Interactive results are seen in virtually all Cinema 4D components, including creating, moving, and deforming objects, as well as adjusting lights, materials, and volumes.Ĭ4DtoA is the only render plug-in that supports both animation and single-frame distributed rendering in Team Render, allowing the use of all computers in a local network to speed-up Arnold rendering. Since its preview at SIGGRAPH 2014, the Arnold plug-in for Cinema 4D has been polished and optimized thanks to extensive feedback from its beta-testing program.

MADRID, 15 May, 2015 – SOLID ANGLE, the creator of the industry leading “Arnold” global illumination ray tracer for animation and visual effects, has officially released version 1.0 of Arnold for Cinema 4D ( C4DtoA). Solid Angle Releases Arnold for Cinema 4D