In addition, it is impossible to ignore the groups (up to 200,000 people) and channels (unlimited number of subscribers) – this is what distinguishes Telegram from many other messengers, giving it the features of a social network or mass media. hundreds of useful bots: for searching movies, learning languages, converting voice messages to text, etc.2 GB file size limit (4 GB with premium),.send any files: music, videos, documents,.emoji can now be put in statuses and reactions to messages,.view video sent from a link directly in the messenger (including picture-in-picture mode),.secret chats with end-to-end encryption and disappearing (self-destructing) messages,.

protect the app with a separate password,.The main functions, features and capabilities of the messenger: If you have a webcam and microphone, you can also record voice messages, initiate or receive audio and video calls. Functionally, Telegram Desktop is virtually no different from mobile.